Description: Dr. Conrad Mattern works for a long time as an investment advisor, fond and value manager or as head economist at the financial markets. Consequently he isn’t a theorist, not just an economist who follows the market incidents a bit and gives “smart” wisdoms. Instead of that Dr. Mattern is an economist who works active in dealing with stocks, pensions and devices. As an investment advisor for special and public funds he has to meet the challenge of having the performance charge every day. He also made himself known as a consultant and author. That’s how he offers his knowledge in seminars and speeches, for example at the Center of Financial Studies in Frankfurt, or he applied himself several years ago to the advancement of prospective market participants in terms of an university teaching position at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. His profound knowledge of the fundamental financial market analysis appears not only in his exciting dissertations which always build a bridge between theoretical funding and current applied examples. For years now Dr. Mattern is also author of several benchmarks of fundamental analysis. His book |